As often happens, women seriously think about the imperfection of their figure only when the crucial moment comes. This usually happens before the start of the beach season or before any event that requires a great look. Unfortunately, even knowing for a long time about the date of a vacation or event, a woman does not make efforts for moderate gradual weight loss. Catch up in a week is not the worst option, however, such weight loss requires extreme caution.
It should be said right away that it is unrealistic to lose more than 5 kg in a week in a natural way. Expensive surgery and sharp heavy loads in the hall should be immediately discarded. All this will require a large amount of money and will affect health in the most unexpected way. And it is unlikely that in a week you can find enough time outside of work and household chores for your improvement. You can get rid of a few kilograms at home without really violating your regimen. So, how to lose weight by 3 kg per week at home?
In order not to harm your own body, it is undesirable to get rid of more than 4 kg in 30 days. Therefore, having lost weight by 3 kg in 7 days, it is impossible to continue the course further, it can only be maintained.
Ways to get rid of extra pounds

With sufficient willpower, it is quite possible to get rid of a little extra weight at home. The action plan, designed to lose from 2 to 4 kg, does not take much time, that is, it does not disturb the usual regime too much. You can fully engage in work and personal affairs. Of course, if you plan your day correctly.
There are only a few ways to lose weight quickly:
- sparing diet;
- systematic physical exercises;
- procedures (bath, sauna, massage).
It is best to try to combine it all into a single complex. But you can choose one of the options - diet or exercise. Procedures will only help to consolidate the results of efforts.
When the weight loss period is only a week, mono-diets are most suitable from diets. Following a mono-diet, during its entire period, you can eat only one product, sometimes diluting it with one or two more. Only certain products can be included in the menu.
By choosing exercise as a way to lose weight, you can not exhaust yourself with a diet. Although the most harmful products must be excluded. To perform physical exercises, you need to find at least 30-40 minutes of free time in the morning. You need to do exercises every day during this week. And here, too, there are some rules. Usually exercises are done either every other day or three times a week. But, since the period for losing weight is extremely short, physical exercises are done every day. Exercises should not be too difficult, so that the resulting krepatura does not discourage the desire and ability to do training in the remaining days.
Owners of a number of diseases should look for answers to the question of how to lose weight in a week by 2-3 kg, definitely not in diets. It is forbidden to drastically change the diet for those who are diagnosed with such diseases:
- gastritis;
- heart diseases;
- stomach ulcer;
- pancreatitis;
- vascular disease;
- diabetes.
If a person is characterized by depressive states, one should not expect a good result from express diets. Abrupt refusal of favorite foods can undermine mental health, cause problems with others and provoke excessive nervousness.
Mono diet rules
Such a diet does not place restrictions on the amount of the product or on the frequency of its intake per day. A product that is acceptable for a mono-diet has a low calorie content, therefore, in almost any amount, it is harmless to the figure. Provided that only he is used, without seasonings, sugar or salt. Tea and coffee are also on the list of forbidden things during such a diet, as they retain water in the body.

The following products are acceptable for a mono-diet:
- apples;
- bananas;
- kefir;
- buckwheat;
- cereals;
- cabbage;
- oatmeal;
- dried fruits;
- watermelons.
The product for a mono-diet is selected depending on the season and on the opportunity to choose the most natural option.
After such a week, you can not immediately return to your usual regimen. Otherwise, all the results of efforts will disappear. It is impossible after a diet to move on to flour products, to fried and sweet.
apple diet

Diet apples need to choose juicy varieties and not too sweet. Also, they must not be imported, because before long-term transportation, the fruit is treated with harmful substances. Washing them off in the usual way is quite difficult. The apple should be local, then its use will bring more benefits.
Apples can be taken in various forms:
- fresh;
- applesauce;
- baked.
Baked apples are also useful because they are a warm food that is necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach.
Although a mono-product can be consumed in large quantities, you should not get too carried away. Regarding apples, you do not need to cross the border of 1. 5 kg per day.
Every day you can dilute the diet with 100 grams of the following products:
- chicken meat;
- low-fat cottage cheese;
- white fish;
- eggs.
The best drink in this diet is water.
Cottage cheese mono-diet
Cottage cheese is an excellent low-calorie product. At the same time, it has a sufficient amount of protein. Cottage cheese is also rich in vitamins and other useful trace elements.
To feel the benefits and effects of such a diet, cottage cheese should be consumed in a total amount of 1 kg every day. Other products are not added, portions are divided by about 200 g. Portions are consumed evenly throughout the day.
You can make yourself another form of this diet - with the addition of kefir. Then a serving of cottage cheese will be 120 g plus a glass of kefir.
There is also the option of combining cottage cheese with wheat bran and honey. To do this, bran must first be steamed in a small amount of water, then drained. Add cottage cheese in an amount of 100 g and put a little honey.
Other Diet Options
Buckwheat. Grains must be steamed with boiling water and left overnight. It can be consumed along with sesame seeds, radishes and other low-calorie vegetables.
Kefir. Only kefir is drunk in the amount of 1. 5 liters, then every day you can add one of the following products:
- chicken fillet;
- lean meat;
- boiled fish;
- fruit.
Then again there is a return exclusively to kefir.
Physical activity

Doing exercises every morning means learning how to lose 3 kg in a week at home. Exercises lay the foundation for the formation of a beautiful figure. Therefore, finding half an hour every morning to exercise should not be a problem.
To remove extra pounds will help the following exercises:
- press;
- hoop rotation;
- jumping rope;
- push ups;
- jogging.
These exercises can be broken down into approximately 10 minutes each.
Auxiliary physical activity is walking instead of traveling by transport, refusal to use the elevator.
Reviews of those who have lost weight will tell you that a great desire, diligence and systematicity will contribute to weight loss at home. Even without the help of a trainer and nutritionist.