When creating the optimal menu, it is worth considering that losing 7 kg in a week is quite possible. It is most reasonable to build a proper nutrition plan for a month in order to lose kilos without compromising your health and without subsequent sagging of the skin.
It is necessary to combine diet with exercise in order to tighten the skin and lose those hated extra pounds. According to the Indian method, using various herbs and decoctions for weight loss, it is quite possible to lose 7 kg in 7 days. You can also use a water diet, in which you are allowed to drink only water with lemon for several days to lose weight. However, this diet is suitable for healthy people without serious chronic diseases.
Water diet

The 7-day diet makes it possible to lose 7 kg in a week. This American method allows you to lose weight quickly.
All days spent on a diet should be based on the following menu:
- First breakfast – a glass of warm water with lemon;
- Second breakfast – oatmeal with water without sugar;
- Lunch – chicken broth;
- Dinner – fresh celery (celery soup) or a glass of water with lemon.
All days to lose weight you should drink up to 3 liters of water per day, since water nutrition removes all waste and toxins from the body, thereby cleansing the body.
For people with kidney disease, a water diet for weight loss is contraindicated.
Kefir diet for a week

The kefir diet is considered one of the most beneficial for the body as a whole and for the human gastrointestinal tract. but most importantly, it helps you lose a lot of weight. A diet based on fermented milk drink helps strengthen the immune system and easily saturate the body, thus dulling the feeling of hunger. With kefir you can lose weight minus 5-7 kg in 5 days.
Kefir diet menu:
- Monday. A liter of kefir and 2 baked potatoes. Drinking other liquids during the kefir diet is not recommended. Pure mineral water without gas is an exception;
- Tuesday. A liter of kefir and 200 grams of low-fat curd product;
- Wednesday. A liter of kefir and baked apples;
- Thursday. A liter of kefir and a handful of fresh berries or fruits according to the season;
- Friday. A liter of kefir and fruit;
- Saturday is a water day, you can only drink mineral water, but without gases;
- Sunday – fruits and kefir.
After finishing your days on a diet, you shouldn’t throw yourself on food; you need to smoothly enter your diet, and it’s best to take as a basis a system of proper nutrition to maintain results.
Spring diet for 7 days

You can lose weight from 4 to 7 kg in 7 days by following the water-based spring method. The essence of this technique is to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable purees and broths.
Approximate menu for spring nutrition:
- Breakfast - any steamed vegetable - asparagus or beets, without adding salt or spices;
- Lunch – a plate of any liquid dish, preferably vegetable broth;
- Dinner – rye toast and a handful of fresh berries.
Water day - drinking a large volume of liquid - up to 2. 5 liters per day.
- Breakfast – fresh fruits and berries;
- Lunch – vegetable puree;
- Dinner – light fruit salad, dressed with low-fat yogurt.
Water diet - drink a honey-lemon drink, you can add ginger;
- Breakfast – hard-boiled egg;
- Lunch – light salad with arugula and tomatoes;
- Dinner - fat-burning cocktail based on ginger.
Fasting day on kefir and baked apples.
- Breakfast – 150 grams of cottage cheese;
- Lunch – vegetable soup – puree;
- Dinner – honey drink.
Nutrition according to the Indian method

This diet allows you to lose up to 5 kilograms with regular consumption of a product such as rice. This cereal contains a complete list of amino acids that are very beneficial for the body. We divide the menu into 3-4 meals.
Menu according to the Indian weight loss method:
- Monday. 200 grams of rice without salt.
Diet 7 kg in 14 days. Diet "Pyramid": eat everything and lose 7 kg in 2 weeks

A simple method for weight loss "Pyramid" allows you to lose weight without giving up your favorite foods. The diet does not imply strict restrictions and is quite gentle, but at the same time effective. In 14 days it takes from 6 to 9 kg, on average about 7–8 kg. The minimum result is 3 kg. In volumes - up to 2-4 cm from the waist and hips.
This nutrition system allows you to achieve impressive results in a short time, stabilizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing diabetes, and promotes the formation of healthy eating habits.
The diet lasts exactly 14 days, or 2 weeks. During this time, you should strictly follow the rules and not break the routine. Sports will speed up weight loss. It is advisable to devote at least 30 minutes to physical activity per day. This could be brisk walking for half an hour, strength training, stretching, exercise, swimming.
Diet rules
The Pyramid system offers four meals a day without additional snacks. The habit of intercepting pieces on the run must be strictly abandoned. You should only eat food while sitting at the table, chewing it thoroughly. It is recommended to take the last dose 2–4 hours before bedtime.
Daily calorie intake is 1200–1400 kcal. After finishing the diet - 1800–2000 kcal, no more. Nutrition during the period of weight loss should be based on the principle of the food pyramid.
Food pyramid

When composing your diet, you should be guided by the food pyramid. The closer to the base the product is located, the more often it can be included in the menu. You can drink water throughout the day without restrictions. It is preferable to steam, boil, bake dishes and add a minimum of salt and marinades.
- The base of the pyramid is non-starchy vegetables and fruits. They can be included in every meal. For a complete list of non-starchy vegetables, see this article. The preferred fruits are citrus fruits, seasonal apples, pears, plums, and sour berries are also useful.
- The next step is complex carbohydrates. They can be included in the menu daily. Cereals, durum wheat pasta, bran and whole grain bread, and bread are allowed 2–3 times a day.
- Next - proteins. You should eat 1-2 servings of them every day. The emphasis should be on lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey, eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese.
- The next step is fats. The most useful are unrefined oil and nuts, seeds, and avocados.
- At the top of the pyramid are simple carbohydrates and sweets. They should be eaten as rarely as possible and no more than 75 g per day. Honey and dried fruits are preferable. But it’s better to avoid store-bought desserts with trans fats altogether.
Sample menu for 2 days
Day 1

- Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, half and half water, banana and apple (50 g dry cereal), tea
- Snack: 200 g yogurt, pear
- Lunch: 2 turkey cutlets, boiled buckwheat (40 g cereal)
- Dinner: a glass of kefir, a spoonful of bran, an apple.
Day 2

- Breakfast: millet porridge with milk and half and half water with pumpkin and cinnamon, coffee, 2 slices of dark chocolate
- Snack: fruit salad, tea with honey
- Lunch: 130 g grilled chicken breast, 100 g steamed green beans, tomato
- Dinner: 4 breads, a glass of tomato juice.
Contraindications, recommendations

The diet involves consuming large amounts of vegetables that contain dietary fiber. Fiber has the ability to swell in the intestines and help cleanse it and remove accumulated harmful substances. At first, fiber may cause increased gas formation, but over time the body adapts and the condition returns to normal.
The Pyramid diet is a healthy diet with limited calorie intake, so it has few contraindications. These include: pregnancy and lactation, endocrine system disorders, hormonal disorders, diabetes, acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Consultation with a doctor is recommended!
Diet for 7 days minus 10 kg. And miracles have rules

No one can lose extra pounds with the wave of a magic wand. To achieve serious results you will have to work hard and limit yourself greatly. The essence of all methods for losing weight, which can be combined under the name "Minus 10 kg in 7 days" diet, comes down to the maximum reduction in the number of calories consumed and diet diversity. These are 1-2 main products on which the 7-day diet is built, plus a small amount of fresh vegetables or fruits.
Since such a diet is harsh and creates severe stress in the body, in order to help it better cope with the load, the following rules must be followed:
- Completely avoid alcohol, coffee, and black tea.
- Strictly follow the prescribed recommendations.
- Limit physical activity as much as possible.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water per day (except for diets that impose fluid restrictions).
- Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
- Carefully monitor your health: at the first sign of deterioration, stop the diet immediately!
Such rapid weight loss and prolonged calorie deprivation can cause serious harm to an unprepared body. To alleviate stress, three days before the diet you need to limit or completely avoid fatty and fried foods and sweets. Exiting the diet should also be smooth - you need to increase the calorie intake gradually over the next 7 days.
Important! Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. If you have any chronic diseases, they are a categorical contraindication for any of the proposed diets!
Diet for 7 days - "minus 7-10 kg"
Nutritional methods that allow you to lose up to 10 kg in a week are designed for those who have about 30% excess weight. If you are 2-3 kg short of the cherished ideal, you should not consider this option for losing body weight; it is better to pay attention to fasting days.
Buckwheat diet for 7 days

This diet combines the effectiveness and speed of weight loss with maximum benefits for the body. Buckwheat contains a lot of protein, which puts it on the same level as meat in terms of nutritional value. In addition, buckwheat contains folic acid, a valuable stimulant for strengthening blood vessels.
The basic rules by which the diet is built:
- Apart from buckwheat porridge, tea, water and kefir with a fat content of 1. 5%, nothing should be consumed;
- To prevent fluid from retaining in the body, buckwheat is eaten without salt. It is poured with boiling water and kefir overnight.
- You can eat only until 18. 00, after which you drink only kefir.
- Before eating, you should drink a glass of water at room temperature to reduce the amount of food you eat.
- Diet: every 2 hours in small portions up to 5 times a day.
- Vitamin reserves are replenished by taking multivitamin complexes.
- To effectively lose weight, you need regular exercise.
Menu. It includes only unlimited quantities of porridge and 1 liter of kefir. You can drink up to 2-3 liters of water per day. Before going to bed, you can drink 200 ml of kefir.
The therapeutic option provides a therapeutic effect aimed at cleansing the body. Losing weight by 4 kg with this diet option is an additional bonus to cleansing. Buckwheat is poured with boiling water overnight, or during the day for 5-6 hours.
In addition to buckwheat, you can add to the menu:
- All dried fruits except raisins;
- Tea, coffee without sugar 3-4 hours before bedtime;
- Oatmeal porridge 1-2 times a week;
- Honey dissolved in tea 1-2 times a week;
- Kefir, yogurt;
- Tomato and cucumber salad without dressing with added herbs.
Sample menu for the day:
- Breakfast – buckwheat porridge without additives, 2-3 slices of cheese, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
- Lunch – salad of cucumbers and fresh cabbage, 150 g of chicken, steamed or in water;
- Afternoon snack – 1/2 cup of yogurt, any fruit except bananas;
- Dinner – porridge without additives, sliced vegetables.
Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of the diet:
- Even without physical activity, you can achieve a weight loss of up to 10 kg.
- Fiber effectively cleanses the intestines and liver.
- The diet strengthens the cardiovascular system, there are no side effects.
- There is no limit on the amount of food eaten.
Disadvantages of the buckwheat diet:
- Limited number of foods consumed.
- The risk of blood pressure decreasing to critical levels.
- There is a danger of exacerbation of chronic diseases, headaches, and increased fatigue.
To correct the lack of sugar, if apathy or weakness appears, you can add some dried fruits to the porridge, eat a small spoon of honey. Contraindications. Contraindications include diseases of the digestive system, lactation and pregnancy, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, depression, intense physical activity.
Minus 7 kg on a protein diet in 7 days

The diet is very effective for those who want to lose weight without exercising. The diet is based on avoiding carbohydrates, which form fat deposits. The abundance of protein foods allows you not to feel hungry.
Diet principles
When using this method, only protein foods remain in the diet; when consumed frequently, the body becomes stressed and uses stored fat reserves for energy. Weight loss occurs due to the loss of fluid and fatty tissue from the muscles.
Permitted and prohibited products
The diet includes more than 70 different products, here are some of them:
- Lean meat, offal, skinless poultry, ham;
- Fish, seafood;
- Eggs;
- Low-fat dairy products;
- Bran;
- Vegetable protein in the form of tofu cheese;
- Soy sauce, wine vinegar, adjika;
- Mustard, ginger;
- Salt;
- Sugar-free lollipops, agar-agar.

Diet "Magic" - minus 7 kg in 7 days
The "Magic" diet gives amazing results: you lose a kilogram per day. And it’s called that because excess weight melts away literally before our eyes. The effect is strong: girls with a slender build lose 6-7 kg in a week, girls with a dense build lose 12 kg or more. The number of kilograms lost may vary depending on age and weight, lifestyle, health status, bad habits and certain diseases.

This diet is strict and should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents and the elderly, persons with acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. The diet is also not recommended during periods of intense exercise. Losing weight on the "Magic" diet should be fun - be patient, use healthy foods, and enjoy the process and anticipation of the result.
According to the principle of action, the "Magic" diet is low-carbohydrate, and therefore requires a high level of responsibility and discipline. If someone losing weight is not ready to strictly follow the instructions, the effect may be insignificant. The point is to strictly limit and exclude most familiar products from the menu. The basis of the diet on this diet is boiled eggs and vegetables.
The duration cannot be increased - even with good tolerance, it should be adhered to for no more than seven days. Repeat - no earlier than a month later. You should abandon the idea of losing weight on the "Magic" diet and end it ahead of schedule if you feel drowsiness, irritability, weakness, or dizziness. Possible deterioration in health is the most significant disadvantage. The advantages include rapid weight loss and low cost. Products recommended for consumption are sold everywhere and cost pennies.

Nutrition rules
Most dishes are prohibited during this period. A strict taboo is imposed on all industrially produced products, from soda to sauces and sausages. It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, flour and sweet, smoked, canned and semi-finished products, and any alcohol. It is recommended to refrain from smoking. A good mood and good sleep are a must.
The list of allowed foods is very small: eggs, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese, non-starchy vegetables and some fruits (citruses, apples). To make losing weight faster and easier, the creators of the diet advise sticking to the proposed menu. Making your own adjustments is not encouraged - this reduces the effect.

Menu for the week
Every day you need to eat 1-2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled). The product provides the body with protein and essential nutrients. Vegetables provide the necessary supply of fiber and vitamins. Fiber promotes normal intestinal function, so it is indispensable in any diet.
Vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled or stewed. Salting food is prohibited. Drinks: black and green tea without sugar, mineral and drinking water without carbon, unsweetened homemade compote or fruit drink.
There are only three meals. Snacks are not provided.
Day 1
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, a slice of low-fat cheese
- Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad (dressing: a drop of oil and lemon juice).
Day 2
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 small apple
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg.
Day 3
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 1 egg, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese
- Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad (dressing: a drop of oil and lemon juice).
Day 4
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 3 fresh plums or 6 prunes
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg.
Day 5
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 150 g fresh cabbage or carrots (chopped or grated)
- Dinner: 1 boiled egg.
Day 6
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 2 oranges or 2 apples
- Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.
Day 7
- Breakfast: any drink
- Lunch: 1 orange, a slice of low-fat cheese
- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Quitting the diet
It is necessary to exit the diet smoothly for two reasons. The first is that a sharp transition to fatty foods and rich meals can cause disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, the lost kilograms can return very soon if you do not continue to follow the simplest rules of a healthy diet. Gradual improvement of eating habits in combination with physical exercise will allow you to maintain your newfound slimness for a long time. Consultation with a doctor is recommended!
The most effective diet in the world. Calorie restricted diets - classic diet
Diets that restrict calories are usually low in fat. The most popular such diet is the classic one. It has been used for more than 40 years and is recommended by most scientific societies, which is why it got its name.
According to statistics, such a diet can reduce body weight by 10 kg in 6 months or by 10% after 18 weeks, but after a year every 3rd patient returns to their previous body weight, and after 3 years - in almost all.
The essence of the classic diet
The classic diet is a high-carbohydrate diet with calories corresponding to the degree of excess weight. The energy value is usually 1200-1500 kcal/day. for women and 1500-1800 kcal/day. for men. In relation to the current diet, a calorie deficit of 500 kcal/day is assumed, while limiting current fat intake by 1/3. In this diet, about 60% of the energy comes from carbohydrates, about 25% from fats and 15% from proteins.
Disadvantages, side effects, long-term effects of the classic diet
The problem is that a high-carbohydrate diet is empirically combined with weight gain in the mechanism of postprandial hyperglycemia and its stimulation of insulin secretion, with the subsequent accumulation of carbohydrates as easily as fat. Also, restrictive diets reduce thermogenesis and increase the body's energy efficiency, so they are ineffective. The side effects of restrictive diets largely relate to the psyche.
Healthy eating without dinners - 5 kg in a week!

As you may have guessed, the next diet is based on the principles of healthy eating, and its main weapon is the absence of dinner. The last meal is taken no later than 18: 00. A positive side effect of this diet is an early bedtime without empty and unhealthy hanging in front of the computer or TV. In general, it is not recommended to suddenly disrupt your usual daily routine. In addition, you need to strictly adhere to the list of products for the day and not change it according to your own desire and mood.
It is very important not to consume salt and sugar throughout the week, and alcohol should be completely avoided. The fruits on the menu do not need to be eaten with the main meal; it is advisable to eat them half an hour before the meal, or 30 minutes later. In addition, every day you need to drink a large amount of regular still water.
1st day. For breakfast: 50 g of steamed fish, lettuce leaves with a little olive oil, a full glass of 1% kefir. For lunch: a couple of slices of wholemeal bread, a boiled egg, 90 g of chicken fillet or turkey.
2nd day. For breakfast: 80 g of boiled veal, 1 boiled potato, unlimited celery, boiled carrots and green tea without sugar. For lunch: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat yogurt, 5 dates and oatmeal, boiled in water.
3rd day. For breakfast: 3 pieces of bread, 50 g of boiled chicken breast and a full glass of chicken broth without salt. For lunch: 50 g of boiled veal, a couple of slices of rye bread, an orange, unlimited spinach and an apple.
4th day. For breakfast: a glass of 1% kefir, boiled buckwheat, tomatoes with olive oil. For lunch: a glass of fresh citrus juice, boiled rice, 100 g of cottage cheese with prunes, kiwi and grapefruit.
5th day. For breakfast: boiled egg, 60 g of boiled beef, a couple of sweet bell peppers and one cucumber. For lunch: one boiled potato, boiled chicken breast, a couple of walnuts, 3 pcs. dried apricots, orange and apple.
6th day. For breakfast: 100 g of steamed red fish, 100 ml of unsalted chicken broth, 3 tbsp. l. green peas, a piece of rye bread and green tea with honey (1 tsp). For lunch: tomatoes and lettuce, seasoned with sesame seeds and lemon juice, brown boiled rice; an hour later dessert: banana, kiwi, glass of skim milk.
7th day. For breakfast: a plate of buckwheat with 60 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese with bell pepper, black tea with 1 tsp. honey and a dessert of a handful of raisins. For lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef with lentils, 125 g of low-fat yogurt without additives, 30 g of almonds.