Effective and fast weight loss is of interest to girls on the eve of a grand event. That is why the young ladies are in search of a diet for 3-5 days, as a result, they focus on the Favorite diet, designed for a week, but promising to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. The favorite diet for 7 days is a collection of mono-diets - it is difficult to withstand it, but possible. True, before choosing, you should consult with your doctor if you have diseases of the digestive tract.

Surprisingly, not a single nutritionist will advise a girl to adhere to the menu presented below for the Beloved diet. Firstly, it is hard to tolerate by the body - you can both lose weight and not lose a single extra kilogram. Secondly, it is difficult for the girl herself to withstand it - she can be hungry if before that the diet of losing weight consisted of a large amount of flour and fat. Thirdly, such rapid weight loss, which is guaranteed by the diet, is harmful to the body - there is a high risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. But despite the warnings, the favorite diet for seven days is very popular. Why? Girls are attracted by the simplicity of the diet, as well as a quick and effective result.
What is Beloved?
As already described above, Beloved is a collection of mono-diets. In fact, the girls do not even have to spend a lot of time cooking, because there is a simple and rather meager diet. A diet designed for weight loss within a week makes it possible to lose up to 10 extra pounds - while the initial amount of excess, according to medical indications, may not exceed 20 kg.
The description of the Beloved diet is presented in the following list:
- 1 day - drinking;
- 2 day - vegetable;
- 3 day - drinking;
- 4 day - fruit;
- Day 5 - protein;
- Day 6 - drinking;
- Day 7 - a balanced exit (it is followed for the next 4-5 days).
It turns out that the Beloved diet combines not only various mono-diets, but also alternates them with peculiar fasting days. If we consider that for one such "unloading" you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight, we can assume that the considered weekly diet is really effective. If you want to achieve the most positive result for the week of the nutrition presented, follow all the rules and recommendations of nutritionists.
Recommendations for preparation and compliance
Photos before and after losing weight on the Beloved diet are impressive with the difference in the physique of those who are losing weight. But the result cannot be achieved if you break the rules and do not use the recommendations of specialists.
Such advice includes:
- To get started, contact a nutritionist to find out why you are constantly gaining weight. Perhaps the reason lies in the presence of the disease, then even an effective diet Favorite will not help in solving the problem.
- 2-3 days before the start of weight loss, it is recommended to completely abandon bakery products - this will cleanse the body, and weight loss will be more effective.
- Be sure to drink at least a liter of clean water per day, even if today is a drinking day.
- At the time of losing weight, it is important to exclude grandiose events, feasts and holidays, stressful situations. Nutritionists are advised to go on vacation and stay in a relaxed state all week.
- During the week, be sure to drink a vitamin complex - it can be a special drug intended for use during a diet, as well as simply to strengthen immunity.
- During the period of weight loss, constipation may occur - their treatment is carried out by taking 2-3 tablespoons of bran. In the future, after the problem has been eliminated, it is recommended to use a tablespoon of a loose and healthy product every morning in the morning.
- The diet is repeated no more than 1 time per year - this is the optimal time and frequency for the complete unloading of the body (cleansing from toxins and toxins, reducing cholesterol levels).
If during the Beloved diet there is an indisposition, in the form of dizziness or nausea, then weight loss is stopped by introducing low-fat chicken broths with small pieces of meat into the diet. In the absence of a positive result, you should consult a doctor.
Diet Contraindications
Since the Beloved diet is very strict and not recommended by experts - the diet can provoke dysbacteriosis and the development of other diseases - it has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.
Contraindications include:
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, colitis, ulcers and other pathologies;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- pathology of the kidneys and liver;
- psychological and physical eating disorders - we are talking about the presence of anorexia, bulimia and other diseases;
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Before losing weight on the Beloved diet, it is recommended to undergo a complete examination in order to exclude the development of diseases related to the list of contraindications. This will save a person from various problems and serious deterioration in health.
Expert opinion
The "Beloved" diet, despite its poetic name, is simply a complex of mono-diets with an emphasis on any type of nutrient. First of all, attention is drawn to the observance of the drinking regimen, to the consumption of slow carbohydrates and vegetable fiber by the body, and only one day is devoted to increased protein nutrition. This approach might be considered "one-sided" by some, but it's actually not that much of a risk. After all, the change in diet is very short, and then it is eliminated and compensated for in the following days. Naturally, before starting a diet and throughout it, it is desirable to reduce salt intake to 5 g per day or even less, especially in the case of cardiovascular diseases and overweight.
Approved Products
The Favorite diet is not difficult for self-compilation of a diet - a detailed menu for each day of the week will be presented below. Some girls use quite traditional recipes for cooking dishes from foods allowed on the diet. What is allowed on the diet Darling? You have to take a closer look each day.
So, the list of allowed products includes:
- A drinking day involves only drinking throughout the day. We are not talking about alcoholic beverages, but about fermented milk products, freshly squeezed juices from vegetables without added sugar, green, black and herbal tea, chicken broths, mineral water without gas. You can drink in unlimited quantities, but helping to reduce the stomach - no more than 1 glass per hour.
- In a vegetable shop, only vegetables are eaten - boiled, steamed, stewed, fresh. Potatoes and root crops with a high starch content are prohibited. It is recommended to consume white cabbage in large quantities - it is a natural fat burner. Salads and cooked meals can be seasoned with natural fat-free yogurt, lemon juice or soy sauce. Olive oil is also allowed, but not more than 2 tablespoons per day.
- A protein diet is a "holiday of the belly. "Eggs, boiled chicken breast, baked or boiled fish, boiled shrimp, natural yogurt and cottage cheese are allowed here. Food should not be abused - it is recommended to divide the cooked food into 5 small portions. It is necessary to abandon training on this day, since the risk of hunger increases and it is almost impossible to cope with it without overeating.
- Fruit day - everything is simpler here - any fruit no more than 3 kg. Prohibited species containing a lot of sugar - bananas, grapes, mangoes, persimmons and others.
From the allowed products, you can independently compose your diet for the day. For those who find it difficult, an approximate menu for the week is offered.
Sample diet menu Favorite for the week
Breakfast | Dinner | afternoon tea | Dinner | |
drinking day | A glass of kefir, it is allowed to drink a glass of unsweetened green tea | A glass of warm chicken broth | A glass of natural fat-free cottage cheese | A glass of milk |
vegetable day | Tomato in the amount of 2-3 pieces | Vegetable salad of white cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, you can season with olive oil in small quantities | 2-3 cucumbers | Vegetable salad with the addition of cucumbers, herbs and sweet peppers, it is allowed to sprinkle with lemon juice or soy sauce |
drinking day | A glass of milkshake and a glass of unsweetened herbal tea | A glass of chicken broth, brewed without salt | A glass of fat-free kefir | A glass of milk |
fruit day | Orange no more than 2-3 pieces | Fruit salad with the addition of kiwi, oranges and apples, you can sprinkle with lemon juice - you get an interesting combination of flavors | One apple and pear | One grapefruit, if hungry, at night it is allowed to eat an apple or an orange |
protein day | 2 eggs or a piece of boiled fish (no more than 200 grams), a glass of unsweetened green tea | A piece of boiled chicken breast (no more than 200 grams) | 100 grams of cottage cheese | 100 grams of low-fat hard cheese |
drinking day | A glass of kefir and unsweetened tea | Chicken broth no more than 1 cup | Glass of milkshake | A glass of milk |
Balanced Output | 2 boiled eggs, unsweetened tea, for second breakfast any fruit allowed on the diet | Soup without meat with the addition of buckwheat or rice, vegetables are allowed with the exception of potatoes | permitted fruit | Vegetable salad with allowed vegetables and seasoned with vegetable oil |
The balanced exit menu is recommended to be repeated over the next 4-5 days - this way you can stabilize the new weight and not be afraid of re-gaining. To exit, the menu can be changed slightly according to the recommended products.
The article presented the Favorite diet for 7 days, which gives positive results in losing weight, which is confirmed by the reviews and results of those who have lost weight. With strict observance, you can lose up to 10 kg, while some can boast of indicators of 15 kg, but taking into account the long-term exit, which lasts at least a week (it turns out 2 weeks of diet).
Those who have lost weight also note that, if the rules are followed and the diet of a balanced day is strictly followed, the weight is not gained again - most keep them for several years. It is only important not to resort to a diet in the presence of contraindications - otherwise, exacerbation of diseases and weight gain are fraught, due to improper exit from the diet.
- First review, woman, 29 years old: "A favorite diet is a serious thing. If you push yourself with a horn, you can throw off 7 kg in a week. This is such a diet when after the New Year holidays you get on the scales, and there is a hippopotamus. ballerina. The main thing is that you can’t use it more than a couple of times a year. And you can’t do it with gastritis, because you have to be on water every other day. I’ve been keeping it in mind for three years. After New Year’s libations, I use it before autumn. "
- The second review, a woman, 38 years old: "I use this system twice a year, but in fact it seems like it can only be done once. You shouldn’t start it in the spring, and everyone has beriberi. But in summer and winter, that’s it. It’s better on vacationI don't feel like eating in the heat, and in addition to getting a tan, you also gain a waist. And fruits in bulk. For the first course, it took 5 kg. For the second, 4. Between courses, 1 - 2 were gained. After these 7 days, I don’t really want flour. You understandthat just ordinary food is already a joy. "
- The third review, a woman, 55 years old: "I didn’t believe that you could lose 6 kg so quickly. For a week of the diet, 4 kg was gone, and when I already switched to regular food, 2 went after the second week. Once a year, this diet changes a lotfigure. She wean from fatty and sweet. I realized for myself that you can do without buns and sweets. Tea is now only without sugar. For a year I spent a week with my beloved, but changed my eating habits besides this, and now, 16 kg are gone. "